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Contact Us




Work. Play. Innovate.

“An individual is the sum total of their environment.”

We are passionate about everything we do – work and fun. We can’t have one without the other. If you derive your thrills from taking on tough challenges and are fun to work with, you will fit in well with us.

We take great pride in our vibrant office environs and collaboration friendly infrastructure. In fact, they exemplify and accentuate our desire to create amazing products and innovative solutions.

What to Expect


Talent must be rewarded. BENROYEE Technology offers a definitive benefits program that is steered towards ensuring a lot more than just needs are met. This helps them focus on creating and delivering the high quality solutions that BENROYEE Technology has built it’s reputation on.



Our compensation philosophy leans towards providing competitive rewards to all employees. Our remuneration entails not only annual pay checks but also year-end surprise bonuses as well as gifts presented in kind.



BENROYEE Technology provides employees with the tools they need to fulfill their career and personal growth ambitions, including: